Fred Haefele
It’s Fire Season in Montana, Read Fred Haefele’s “Fire on the Mountain”
Fire season in Montana, and I’ve been re-reading Fred Haefele’s artful, impactful essay on wildland firefighting, anthologized in Extremophilia “Fire on the Mountain.” A brief excerpt… “Our first morning on the line, Collin and I were cutting through doghair lodgepole, downhill from the fire. It seemed there were too many of us, that we were […]
YPR: Home Ground interviews Fred Haefele
“Writing is considered an intellectual pursuit, removed from the dirt and sweat and honed physicality of the blue collar world. Fred Haefele disagrees. For thirty years he’s lived in both worlds.” Listen to the full interview: MP3 file, WMA file or visit YPR: Home Ground online
Missoula Independent reviews Extremophilia
“According to my online dictionary, an extremophile is “a microbe able to thrive in the most extreme conditions.” And, according to Missoula-based author Fred Haefele, extremophilia is an “intemperate love” of said organisms. In his new collection, Haefele tweaks the idea from microbe-centric to human-centric, and gives us 17 non-fictional snapshots of people dealing with […]
Fred Haefele offers readings
Fred Haefele will be offering two readings in November; one at Country Bookshelf in Bozeman, Montana, and a second at Fact and Fiction in Missoula, Montana. Check store links for details on time and location.