
It’s Fire Season in Montana, Read Fred Haefele’s “Fire on the Mountain”
Fire season in Montana, and I’ve been re-reading Fred Haefele’s artful, impactful essay on wildland firefighting, anthologized in Extremophilia “Fire on the Mountain.” A brief excerpt… “Our first morning on the line, Collin and I were cutting through doghair lodgepole, downhill from the fire. It seemed there were too many of us, that we were […]
Missoula Independent reviews Extremophilia
“According to my online dictionary, an extremophile is “a microbe able to thrive in the most extreme conditions.” And, according to Missoula-based author Fred Haefele, extremophilia is an “intemperate love” of said organisms. In his new collection, Haefele tweaks the idea from microbe-centric to human-centric, and gives us 17 non-fictional snapshots of people dealing with […]