You are browsing the archive for 2011.
Missoula Independent reviews Extremophilia
“According to my online dictionary, an extremophile is “a microbe able to thrive in the most extreme conditions.” And, according to Missoula-based author Fred Haefele, extremophilia is an “intemperate love” of said organisms. In his new collection, Haefele tweaks the idea from microbe-centric to human-centric, and gives us 17 non-fictional snapshots of people dealing with […]
Fred Haefele offers readings
Fred Haefele will be offering two readings in November; one at Country Bookshelf in Bozeman, Montana, and a second at Fact and Fiction in Missoula, Montana. Check store links for details on time and location.
Western Folklife Center interviews Paul Zarzyski
“Poet Paul Zarzyski’s unconventional style has no-doubt influenced the trajectory of cowboy poetry. Before his first performance at the Elko Cowboy Poetry Gathering in 1987, cowboy poetry rhymed. These days, poets are just as likely to write in free verse as they are to employ the traditional rhyme and meter. Paul has continued to push […]
Zarzyski’s 51 Reviewed by Stephen J. Bodio
Naturalist and bibliophile Stephen J. Bodio, over at his blog Querencia, has given a glowing review of Paul Zarzyski’s 51: 30 Poems, 20 Lyrics, 1 Self-Interview, saying, “this is the one to get, even if you have, as I do, all his earlier stuff.” Read the full review: Stephen Bodio: “Zarzo”